
is a resource for sound artists and sound art related projects
GENERATOR SOUND ART has been created to produce and disseminate original
recordings by dedicated sound artists, presenting releases of Electronic,
Electro-Acoustic, Noise, and Experimental Music.
Uncompromising, non-commercial, and definitely not for everyone. These projects
are geared towards the discerning and adventurous listener.
Generator Sound Art is Gen Ken Montgomery, founder of the GENERATOR SOUND ART GALLERY, NYC, (1989-1992) and Scott Konzelmann a.k.a. CHOP SHOP.
Percentages of all sales directly benefit the artists,
and build a fund to support future sound art projects.
Guidelines are available online for submissions to
Generator Sound Art
Want to be on our mailing list?
For updates on new Generator projects, send an e-mail
(mailinglist@generatorsoundart.org) to be on our announcement list. We will
only send out 1 or 2 e-mails a year.

Presenting new works by dedicated sound artists.

Recordings from the Generator Sound Art Gallery archives: seminal work by
sound artists.

Irreverant and/or fun errata.