3"CDR $12
In hand-cut foldout jacket w/text booklet
Small Cruel Party's work is focused on the inherent mysterious and beautiful quality of sound itself, with the emphasis on noninstrumental sound sources, the source itself not being readily apparent. Work generally involves manipulation of physical objects in acoustic space and a great deal of concentrated activity. Even in pieces involving dense sound at high volume the resultant effect is one of intense calm.
Recorded work and performances have been realized in the United States, Canada, Japan,and Europe, and installations have been presented at the Seattle Art Museum and at the AVE Festival for Experimental Art in Arnhem, Holland. Work also has included collaborations with other musicians (Gamelan Pacifica) as well as with other artists (DappinĒ Butoh; Stillwater Butoh). "A Tangible Bridge," for symphony orchestra and four vocalists, was premiered by the Seattle Creative Orchestra in 1999. Currently residing and cooking in Paris.
This issue is a companion to GSA-11 t.a.c. "Scatter of Doubt". While each is here presented seperately, the ideas and source materials were originally developed to be a collaborative release.